Onda Solidária


Onda Solidárias mission is “ to foster social inclusion by generating opportunities in low-income communities in Brazil, to stimulate awareness and participation amongst individuals in various parts of the world in order to build a more fair and caring worldwide society”



It’s overarching goal is to “build a better world through projects that focus on the transformation of individuals and of society, offering opportunities that enable them to achieve their own independence and become caring citizens




Onda Solidária coordinates projects on three fronts:

  • Culture, Sport and Environment:  Promoting understanding, healthy living and
    sustainability in our world as a way of raising awareness.
  • Employment and Income: Fostering social inclusion and employment as a way of increasing individual worth.
  • Citizenship: Disseminating the value of solidarity, with the aim of bringing citizens together through improved social justice.


Onda Solidária has also established its own VILA“a centre for learning and training which aims not only to provide opportunities for individuals of any age to develop their personal talents and create better living conditions for themselves and their families, but also to share ethical values and structures that aim towards a truly sustainable life model. It is based on an inspirational model of social action at local level
which can, however, be replicated elsewhere in the country and abroad.”


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