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Welcome to the home of the Global Issues Network website for the March 19-21, 2015 Conference at the American School Foundation of Monterrey in Monterrey, Mexico. The purpose of this website is for conference participants to have all the information they need to prepare for attending this exciting event.

Keynote Speakers

Short Description

Short Description

Short Description

Short Description

20 Global Issues

Sharing our Planet Sharing our Planet

Global Warming
Biodiversity and ecosystem losses
Fisheries depletion
Water deficits
Maritime safety and pollution

Sharing our Humanity Sharing our Humanity

Massive step-up in the fight against poverty
Peacekeeping, conflict prevention, combating terrorism
Education for all
Global infectious diseases
Digital divide
Natural disaster prevention and mitigation

Sharing our rule book Sharing our rule book

Reinventing taxation for the twenty-first century
Biotechnology rules
Global financial architecture
Illegal drugs
Trade, investment, and competition rules
Intellectual property rights
E-commerce rules
International labor and migration rules

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