GIN Team Meeting Feedback Discussion

The Purpose of GAP Team Skype Feedback Discussions

The purpose of GIN Team Meeting Feedback Discussion is to provide an alternative to the GIN GAP Feedback Process, and to foster as well as inspire collaborative teamwork and communication between GAP team members. 

Setting Up The Discussion

Feedback meetings will occur twice a semester, 4 times a year. These meetings will be organized via GIN GAP Team communication (WhatsApp, Skype or email) channels. A survey will be sent out at the beginning of the week or a during the week prior to schedule GIN GAP Feedback meetings based on individual and team availability. Attendance must be confirmed in advance by affirming your attendance via the Google Calendar Event Invite. If a GAP Team Member can not attend the meeting, they will be asked to decline the invite and follow the make-up protocol to contribute their voice and complete the two step GIN GAP Feedback Process.

Outline of the Discussion

This discussion uses meeting roles which can be decided and assigned at the start of the meeting. Facilitators will lead the team through the GIN GAP Feedback Process. Specific feedback in the form of Google Comments will be notated in the Feedback Processing Spreadsheet by copy/pasting the comment. Comment to be copied and pasted into the spreadsheet cell. Once all feedback has been transferred and organise into the Feedback Processing Spreadsheet the team will then work together to determine next steps and the level of priority of the task at hand. Then the Feedback Process Lead will then assign deadlines and delegate tasks to complete the feedback and reiteration process based on participant identified challenges and needs.



Key Points to Remember

The Meeting Facilitator 

  • Make sure everyone has done their work before the meeting ends, if not, decide on next steps as a team.
  • Reassure the team that constructive criticism leads to improvement.
  • Decide when to use the guiding questions

Culture Keeper

  • Foster a safe environment, where everyone feels that it is okay to be critical, to disagree or to shift gears and focus on something else.
  • Praise the work you are team has already accomplished 
  • Encourage team members to speak up and voice their concerns
  • Reassure the team that constructive criticism leads to improvement

Note Keeper

  • Be prepared to move back and forth between the spreadsheet and the meeting agenda if necessary.
  • Ask for help if you find it hard to capture everything that is being said.


  • Do not stay silent, speak up.

Recommended Structure for Skype Meetings


Meeting Agenda Outline

Time Limit

Agenda Item

Notes: Decisions Made, Goals, Checklists, Who, What, When, How

5 minutes

Greetings & Introductions.


20 minutes or more (depending on the workbook’s and meeting’s lengths) 

Create a copy of the meeting agenda template and go through the feedback comments as a team.


10 minutes or more (depending on the workbook’s and meeting’s lengths)

Hold the Team Discussion (more information about this below).


5 minutes

Wrap up and set assignments/expectations for the next meeting.



Feedback Comments

After introductions, begin going through the feedback comments on this spreadsheet. Choose what you will do and the next steps for each piece of feedback. Will you Add, Drop, Alter/Improve? What are your next steps? Use the prompts below to clarify what each operation means. Don’t worry about asking these questions each time. Instead introduce what each operation is and what it entails. Then ask which operation they would choose and how they might prioritize the next steps within their project management plan. You will find a more detailed understanding of how we think about prioritization and action steps in the next paragraph.

GIN’s Quick Decision Making Tool: ADAINS Decision Maker Tool


Add to ideas, content, resources, logic or language of a GIN materials learning process, tool or resource


Drop ideas, content, resources, logic or language of a GIN materials learning process, tool or resource

Alter & Improve: 

Alter and Improve ideas, content, resources, logic or language of a GIN materials learning process, tool or resource

Next Steps:

Determine next steps for how you will take action on what you have discussed

Once you have identified what you will do you will work as a team using the definitions key and color code below to decide whether the comment given requires No Action or is “Low,” “Medium” or “High” Priority. Once your team has decided, the Note Keeper will color code it accordingly in the spreadsheet. This key can also be found in the top left-hand corner in the aforementioned spreadsheet.

Legend For Determining Priority


No Action Necessary

No Action Necessary: No Action Necessary

Low Priority

Low Priority: Can be set aside as a project that would enrich the process but is not necessary

Medium Priority

Medium Priority: Important but can be done at a later date

High Priority

High Priority: Imperative and would alter the resource significantly, should be done soon

Team Discussion 

For small projects you will move from feedback to project management. For larger more long term projects you will rely on the department head or youth director to guide the process, timeline and project management.


Project Management Planning: 

Create a shared copy of the Project Management Spreadsheet 
Move your next steps in order of priority to begin creating an action plan 

Then begin the team discussion and note the big takeaways in your team project management plan.



Design Thinking Feedback Process: 

This is a discussion but if there are pauses or your team needs some inspiration to move forward, use these questions to help the conversation move along, not all of them have to be used and once the discussion picks up again feel free to stop using them. 
Overall, what do you think about the workbook or resource that is being used? 
What was confusing about the workbook? Would you change the structure of the workbook? 
Do you think any of the vocabulary in the chapters should be altered? 
Can you identify parts of the workbook where it did not successfully support and guide the GIN Project Builder? 
Did you find this workbook helpful in reaching your own GIN Project goals? 
Would you alter the order of the chapters? Do the chapters flow logically? 
What words, terms, concepts did you come across in the chapters would you add to the GIN Glossary? 
What resources would you add to define and explain these words, terms, concepts within the GIN Glossary? 
Are there specific words, terms, concepts that should have their own Toolkit? 
Could you easily translate what you learned in the workbook to steps that you could take in your own GIN Project
 Final Review

After your team has gone through the feedback comments, begin a discussion using ADAINS, as a team, decide what you would Add, Drop, Alter & Improve and the Next Steps. Notate the big takeaways of this discussion in the meeting agenda created earlier and detail action steps in your team’s project management plan.


GIN’s Quick Decision Making Tool: ADAINS Decision Maker Tool


Add to ideas, content, resources, logic or language of a GIN materials learning process, tool or resource


Drop ideas, content, resources, logic or language of a GIN materials learning process, tool or resource

Alter & Improve: 

Alter and Improve ideas, content, resources, logic or language of a GIN materials learning process, tool or resource

Next Steps:

Determine next steps for how you will take action on what you have discussed