Feedback Processing Protocol


As a GIN Student Admin member, you are both a student and co-developer of the GIN Student Admin course as you work through each workbook. After completing each chapter, you will be giving feedback on its content, presentation, flow, and language, as well as suggest improvements for the next iteration. 

This will come in the form of filling out a “Feedback” version of the chapter, titled in the form “GIN GAP Workbook X Chapter Y (Feedback).” In this document, you will follow the instructions in the table below: 

When giving feedback, you will be asked to use the “PPCO + I have” protocol in order to promote constructive and solution-oriented feedback.


Overcome Challenges and Needs

Read About How To Get Feedback and Problem-Solve Through Dialogue

Get constructive feedback and problem solve together as a goal-oriented supportive team (no judgment, just support).

Targeted Feedback identified by the Feedback Asker: We have altered the PPCO to include the Feedback Asker’s process to help them identify where they want feedback or support and what they would like to discuss. See below to understand more about the process.

PPCO stands for: Pluses, Potentials, Concerns, Overcoming Concerns.

Pluses: The Pluses portion of the process validates the thinking of the feedback asker by asking the feedback giver to share how they think the idea holds merit. Potentials: The Potentials portion of the process asks the feedback giver to explore how else the idea might be used to meet or explore any number of innovative ideas.

Concerns: The Concerns portion of the process is a great way to relay concerns while shifting away from critical language to open-ended questions that encourage dialogue and problem-solving with “How might we..?” questions.

Overcoming Concerns: The Overcoming Concerns portion of the process asks both the feedback asker and giver to discuss solutions with the questions formed in the Concerns portion of the process.

“I have..”: The “I have..” portion of the process encourages team members to reflect upon and share resources that might help support solutions.