Frequently Asked Questions

Does a GIN Student Admin need to be a member of a GIN Club? 

No, the GIN Student Admin Team doesn’t need to participate in a GIN Club, but must take part in a GIN Project or an initiative that is in the process of becoming a GIN Project.


How will I be notified if I get accepted? 


Two weeks after the application’s deadline, each student will receive an email with their application’s result.


How many meetings will we have per month?


The GIN Student Admin will be expected to meet once every 2 weeks. There may be times students will be asked to meet after this time to build and develop their projects. 


How will we overcome the different time zones?


The time difference between members of the program is not a major issue since we don’t commonly do whole group conference calls. If students need to collaborate with other students present in different time zone because of a project, they can coordinate a time that works best between their small groups. Any major problems with time difference can be notified to the GIN Youth Directors.


What if I change schools midyear?


The GIN Student Admin Member will be expected to send the contact information of their new school, their new email (if it changes) and their new Advisor’s contact to the GIN Youth Directors.