Our GIN Project Best Practices

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Our work is never done!

The GIN Student Admin are a team of community builders who value leading with integrity, collaborative lifelong learning, and empowered global citizenry. The students who join the program are committed to personal growth and discovery as leaders of today. GIN Student Admin Members are dedicated to creating and developing a supportive global learning community and network of active changemakers. GIN Student Admin Members champion empathetic and equitable sustainability to create real and lasting impact.

We see ourselves as the leaders of today who understand that community-centered change is a continuous learning process that we must begin to build and hone now.

We see our school communities as having great potential to act as epicenters and testing grounds for student-led and designed, empathetic change and viable solutions.

We see our local community as participants, co-developers and team members of our initiatives.

We are committed to building local, empathetic action with a global mindset in partnership with school communities and our international networks.

GIN Student Admin Team: What We Do

We empower ourselves and our communities through youth-led-and-designed, community-centered initiatives rooted in a culture of empathy, equity, and sustainability. The GIN Student Admin Team is a learning community studies and delivers honed understandings, tools, and models of effective local-global empathetic change that strengthen community culture, learning, global dialogue, and action. As a collaborative learning community and team, we create, test, apply, provide experienced-based feedback, reiterate, and develop. We ask for continuous feedback from our stakeholders: GIN Student Admin Members, G.I.N. educators and community members. We are responsible for building the Global Issues Network voice and common ground understandings for our global community. We are committed to supporting our student-led GIN Communities around the world in enacting GIN Project Best Practices that are rooted in and empower equitable and sustainable processes and impact.