Recognition of Work

GIN Departments, GINternship Program and GIN Projects

Recognition of External Collaboration

Throughout your tenure as a GA or team member on a GINternship Program Team, there are various instances where GIN Team Members have to collaborate with their local, regional or global GIN project members to complete projects. We want to recognize their team members’ hard work and dedication to their GIN project by providing the members of the GIN project team with a certificate recognizing their work. Note: The steps below are to be repeated for every project that requires collaboration with your GIN team.

Detailed Step-by-Step Instructions for GIN Project Members to get Recognition

Step 1 – GIN Project Team Meeting at the start of the project

– The Global Ambassador or GINternship Team Member will arrange a meeting with their GIN Project Team 

– In this meeting, the Global Ambassador or GINternship Team Member will walk their GIN Project Team through the details of the project and assign each team member a role.

– The Global Ambassador or GINternship Team Member will make a copy of this Project Management Spreadsheet where you will complete your project management planning. 

             – Share this spreadsheet with your mentor, student leader, and team members

Step 2 – GIN Project Mentor Discussion

– The Global Ambassador or GINternship Team Member will arrange a meeting with your GIN Project Mentor

– In the meeting walk your mentor through your Project Management Spreadsheet.

              – Ask for their approval in the Project Management Plan.

– Once they have approved your plan. Ask if they would be willing to support your team with bi-weekly check-ins.

              – These bi-weekly check-ins should only take around 10 minutes. In these check-ins, they would walk through the work your team has done and indicate on the spreadsheet that they have seen evidence that your team has made progress over the past two weeks.

Step 3 – Check-Ins and GIN Mentor Sign-Off

– Organize bi-weekly check-ins with your GIN mentor.

                – As a team, walk them through your work and ask that your GIN mentor indicate in green under the ‘Mentor Sign-Off’ your project management spreadsheet that your team has completed the work.

                – You will need a GIN mentor sign-off that team members have completed their work and/or met their goals.

                                    – For shorter projects, it is recommended that your GIN mentor signs off on the spreadsheet after you have completed the project. For longer projects such as Workbooks, it is recommended that your GIN mentor checks-in the middle to see if your team is making steady progress and after you have completed the workbook to sign off on your work.

Step 4 – Procedure of Recognition

Those who can provide at least 2-4 hours weekly to helping Global Ambassador or GINternship Team Members  can receive certificates by providing evidence of:

– Setting specific roles and goals for team members at the beginning of each workbook so that everyone knows what their job and the end goal is.

– Logging their work on a sign-off/check-in sheet

– Having checked-in with their GIN Team Members and GIN Mentor

– If your team meets these requirements, ask your GIN mentor to complete the Outside Work Certification Form where they will vouch for each member of your team’s work and indicate if they deserve the collaborator certificate for that workbook.

Detailed Step-by-Step Instructions for Advisors to give Student Recognition for GIN Work

Step 1 – Approval of the Student’s Project Management Plan

– The Global Ambassador or GINternship Team Member will arrange a meeting with the GIN Project Mentor

– In the meeting, students will walk the GIN mentor through their Project Management Spreadsheet.

                  – Students will ask for approval of the Plant to their GIN Project Mentor.

– Students will ask their GIN Project Mentors for bi-weekly check-ins on their progress.

                 – These bi-weekly check-ins should only take around 10 minutes. In these check-ins, they would walk the GIN Project Mentor through the work the team has done. 

                 – Mentors will indicate on the spreadsheet that they have seen evidence that the team has made progress over the past two weeks by sign-off their progress.

– Mentors are responsible for:

                  – Approving Project Management Plans 

                  – Challenging thinking  

                  – Ensuring that students are in the right track when it comes to time management and project management

                  – Reviewing the GIN Safety Protocols to ensure that their students are adhering to the protocol.

Step 2 – Procedure of Recognition

Teams who can provide at least 2-4 hours weekly to helping Global Ambassador or GINternship Team Members can receive certificates by providing evidence of: 

– Setting specific roles and goals for team members at the beginning of each workbook so that everyone knows what their job and the end goal is.

– Logging their work on a sign-off/check-in sheet

– Having checked-in with their GIN Student Admin Team team members and GIN Student Admin Team Mentor

If the team meets these requirements, the GIN Student Admin Team mentor will complete the Outside Work Certification Form where they will vouch for each member of the team’s work and indicate if they deserve the collaborator certificate for that workbook.



If you or your team don’t fit into any of the categories/descriptions above, don’t worry, your work can still be recognized. Refer to the steps below to learn how to do so.

Detailed Step-by-Step Instructions for GIN Club Volunteers Outside Work Recognition

Step 1 – Meeting with Mentors and Selecting Roles

– Arrange a meeting with the mentor and other students on the project 

– Outline the roles played by the different members of the team as volunteers and the work each person must complete in the project within a certain time frame.

– Prepare a Project Management Spreadsheet where you will divide your project into 1-week steps. 

               – You will share this spreadsheet with your mentor/student leader

Step 2 – Volunteering Team and Mentor Discussion

– In the meeting, explain your Project Management Spreadsheet and the roles and responsibilities of each team member.

– Ask the mentor if they have feedback and if they approve the plan for the team.

– Update the Project Management Spreadsheet based on the discussion with the mentor

               – Each team member will input their responsibilities and deadlines on the document so the rest of the members and mentors can see them.

– Once they have approved your plan, ask if they would be willing to do bi-weekly check-ins with your team to see progress. 

               – In these bi-weekly check-ins, they would approve the resources that the team worked on and check the approved box in the Project Management Spreadsheet.

Step 3 – Check-ins

– In the time that the club is volunteering with GIN or helping Global Ambassador or GINternship Team Members, organize and attend check-ins with your advisors 

– Walk GIN Advisors through the work you have completed and ask them for feedback and approval in the Project Management Spreadsheet.

Step 4 – Recognition of Team Members

– Once your team has finished volunteering, the mentor will evaluate the work that each member of the team has completed

– In this meeting, you will seek final approval of your work

– GIN Advisors from each club will have a copy of the different certificates for Outside Work Certification where they will vouch for your work as a volunteer and give each student in the team the certificate they deserve. These certificates include: 

             – GIN Student organizers: Students who are a part of the GIN Club that have ensured that the entire team is doing its work and people are communicating their ideas. 

             – GIN Student leadership: Students who are a part of the GIN Club that have been leading their team and guiding them towards success. 

            – GIN Student volunteers: Students who are a part of the GIN Club that have completed their work and demonstrate an understanding of the content. 

            – External students: Students who are not a part of the GIN Club but have helped in the projects or have helped a GIN Student Admin Team Member.

Detailed Step-by-Step Instructions for GIN Advisors to give Student Recognition in GIN Clubs

Step 1 – Approval of the Student’s Project Management Plan

– The GIN Club will arrange a meeting with the GIN Club Advisor

– In the meeting, the team will walk the GIN mentor through their Project Management Spreadsheet.

          – Students will ask for approval of the Plan to their GIN Club Mentor.

– Students will ask their Project Mentors for check-ins throughout their process

          – Check-ins are to be scheduled on a case by case basis.

                          – If as an advisor you feel more comfortable checking with students every two weeks or every month you can schedule that. In most cases advisors decide to have two meeting with students one to check-in and one to check-out

– Students will use the Project Management Plan to outline the step by step process over time.

– GIN Advisors will indicate on the spreadsheet that they have seen evidence that the team has made progress in their project. Evidence can range from in person check-ins or link within the spreadsheet.

– GIN Advisors are responsible for …

        – Approving Project Management Plans 

        – Challenging thinking  

        – Ensuring that students are in the right track when it comes to time management and project management

                     – Reviewing the GIN Safety Protocols to ensure that their students are adhering to the protocol. 

Step 2 – Procedure of Recognition

Those who can provide at least 2-4 hours weekly to help GIN Student Admin team members in their Workbooks can receive certificates by providing evidence of:

– Setting specific roles and goals for team members at the beginning of each workbook so that everyone knows what their job and the end goal is.

– Logging their work on a sign-off/check-in sheet

– Having checked-in with their GIN Student Admin Team members and GIN Student Admin Team Mentor

– If the team meets these requirements, the GIN Student Admin Team mentor will complete the Outside Work Certification Form where they will vouch for each member of the team’s work and indicate if they deserve the collaborator certificate for that workbook.

– GIN Advisors from each club will have a copy of the different certificates for Outside Work Certification where they will vouch for your work as a volunteer and give each student in the team the certificate they deserve. These certificates include: 

        – GIN Student organizers: Students who are a part of the GIN Club that have ensured that the entire team is doing its work and people are communicating their ideas. 

        – GIN Student leadership: Students who are a part of the GIN Club that have been leading their team and guiding them towards success. 

        – GIN Student volunteers: Students who are a part of the GIN Club that have completed their work and demonstrate an understanding of the content. 

        – External students: Students who are not a part of the GIN Club but have helped in the projects or have helped a GIN Student Admin Team Student. 



Get recognition as student coordinators, Committee leaders, collaborators or keynote speakers from GIN conferences. Refer to the steps below to learn how to do so.

Detailed Step-by-Step Instructions for Organizers and Collaborators of GIN Conferences

Step 1  – GIN Project Team Weekly Meeting with Organizers

– Student Coordinators will arrange a regular time to meet with organizers and collaborators of the GIN conference. 

– In the first Meeting Student Coordinators will make a copy of the Project Management Spreadsheet  and share it with the rest of the team. 

– Coordinators will be responsible to: 

               – Divide tasks

               – Set roles and responsibilities 

               – Asking Deadlines

               – Provide Clear Expectations 

– Once the Project Management Spreadsheet is done, share and ask for approval from GIN Advisor.

Step 2 –  GIN Advisor Approval

– The Student Coordinators will arrange a meeting with your GIN Project Mentor & Advisor 

– In the meeting walk your mentor through your Project Management Spreadsheet.

               – Ask for their approval in the Project Management Plan.

– Once they have approved your plan. Ask if they would be willing to support your team with bi-weekly check-ins.

               – These bi-weekly check-ins should only take around 10 minutes. In these check-ins, they would walk through the work the team has done and indicate on the spreadsheet that they have seen evidence that your team has made progress over the past two weeks.

Step 3 – Bi-weekly check-ins with Advisor

– Organize bi-weekly check-ins with your advisor.

             – As a team, walk them through your work and ask that your mentor indicate in green under the ‘Mentor Sign-Off’ your project management spreadsheet that your team has completed the work.

            – You will need a mentor sign-off that team members have completed their work and/or met their goals.

Step 4 – Recognition

Those who can evidence completed work to help the GIN conference Organization can receive certificates by providing evidence of…

– Setting specific roles and goals for team members at the beginning of the planning process of the Conference so that everyone knows what their job and the end goal is.

– Logging their work on a sign-off/check-in sheet

– Having checked-in with their team members and  GIN Mentor

Step 5 – Honor core lead team

Student coordinators of the conference will create a video that will be shown at the end of the conference. This video will show the highlights of it with real footage of the participation of students, mentors, and collaborators. It can include the lasting learning that the students had when doing the conference by adding testimonials and talking about their experience. At the end of the conference share the video with GIN and the community.

Step 6 – Conference Check-Out

– The committee leader will arrange a meeting with GIN Staff to share the experience and bring up the work done by students.

           –  It is imperative to keep track of the work done and the impact generated throughout the conference. 

– Keynotes will be recognized with certificates. The student coordinators & GIN advisors will vouch for them.

           – The certificates will be given right as they come off the stage


If you or your team don’t fit into any of the categories/descriptions above, don’t worry, your work can still be recognized. Refer to the steps below to learn how to do so.

Detailed Step-by-Step Instructions for GIN/GIN Student Admin Team Volunteers Outside Work Recognition

Step 1 – Volunteer and Mentor Discussion Planning

– Arrange a meeting with the mentor or student leader of the project and outline what role you will play as a volunteer and the work you plan to complete in the project within a certain time frame.

– Prepare a GIN Resource Proposal Form that outlines the need or challenge that your project is answering to.

– Prepare a Project Management Spreadsheet where you will divide your project into 1-week steps. 

            – You will share this spreadsheet with your mentor/student leader

Step 2 – Volunteer and Mentor Discussion

– In the meeting walk the advisor or student leader through your Project Management Spreadsheet.

           – Ask if they approve of your plan or if they would like to alter it.

– Once they have approved your plan. Ask if they would be willing to do check-ins with you. If so, ask how often they would feel comfortable having these check-ins. We usually suggest just one check-out meeting with High School Students but if advisors feel more comfortable with more meetings that’s also a possibility, especially with younger students.

           – Explain that in these check-ins they would approve your work and check the approved box in the project management spreadsheet.

Step 3 –  Check-ins

In the time that you’re volunteering with GIN, if your GIN Advisor agrees, organize and attend check-ins with your advisor where you will walk them through their work and ask for them to indicate their approval in the Project Management Spreadsheet.

Step 4 – Check-Out Meeting

– Once you have finished volunteering in GIN/GIN Student Admin Team ask for a check-out meeting with your advisor or student leader.

– In this meeting walk your advisor through your steps in the project management spreadsheet and show evidence of completion for each of the steps. Your advisor will then certify that you completed and the amount of time that you indicated that it took is appropriate.

– After the meeting ask your advisor to fill out the Outside Work Certification Form where they will vouch for your work as a volunteer and get the certification for your work.

You will fill out this form, where you will attach your project management plan and describe the work you completed.