Time Management

– Must be able to dedicate an average of 4-6 hours a week dependent on the project.

         – Contact us to learn which age groups are eligible for different leadership roles on our program volunteer teams.

GIN Student Admin Members will advocate for themselves when they feel they cannot commit to the timeline suggested.

Student Admin will ask clarifying questions upon delivery of assignments.

Student Admin will work with GIN Directors, Youth Directors and/or Department Heads to resolve commitment conflicts and create realistic deadlines.


Time Management in your Departments

– Depending on your department, the work that you put in can be around 4-6 hours a week

          – Which involves working with your department, or just work that you were unable to accomplish


Recommended Deadlines

As mentioned earlier under our Grading Policy, all GIN Student Admin activities, chapters, and workbooks are open for resubmission after the initial deadline. In order to give you this opportunity, we only give you recommended deadlines, which you can find on the dashboard of the GIN Student Admin website or on the master assignment spreadsheet. 

We know that the nature of a global team is that each and every one of you has varying commitments and differing schedules that will inevitably affect the time you can commit to GIN Student Admin Team each week. You may be need to spend time on commitments during some weeks and have more time to dedicate to Student Admin on others. We understand this reality and therefore only ask that you try to follow the pace of the course by using the recommend deadlines for assigned work. This is to help make sure that you don’t leave your work until the last possible deadline, when you may find yourself struggling very hard to move through the sheer amount of content.