GIN Student Admin Team Code of Conduct

Team Core Values

Team Behaviors


How Do You Make Sure to Contribute Equally?

Extensions and Absences

GIN Student Admin Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities


GIN Volunteer opportunities empower GIN students to co-create the world they wish to live in as leaders of today. GIN Volunteers understand that when they join the Global Issues Network, they join a transgenerational global team made up of volunteers of all ages, working to create a global culture of collaboration and shared learning that builds shared solutions and grows our global impact. Each GIN Volunteer shares their knowledge and expertise as members of a global community committed to fostering a global culture of inclusive problem-solving. GIN Volunteers understand that their donation of time, energy and what they create, empowers the GINetwork to learn from, utilize and build off of their contributions. Each GIN Student is asked to recognize and honor the fact that this opportunity was afforded to them because of the efforts of GIN Volunteers who came before them. We invite GIN Volunteers to contribute in this fashion to create access to free and ongoing learning for the purpose of inclusive and sustainable progress.


GIN Volunteers understand that they are volunteering to share and contribute their work: 

You understand that everything that you create is seeded from GIN community identified needs and challenges and will be coordinated and created at the direction of GIN Staff, in collaboration with, under the guidance and supervision of GIN Staff in support of GINetworks, for the purpose of supporting GIN Programs and empowering GIN Students. 

              GIN Student Admin Volunteers work directly with or under the supervision of GIN Staff and experts to create resources, materials, and systems that support global programs. 

              GIN Admin Volunteer Team Members share their expertise and donate their body of GIN work while volunteering on teams that are directly building GIN programs, materials, resources and systems of support that empower our global Network. 

                              GIN Volunteers contribute to our shared GINstory and legacy so that future generations of GIN Students may learn and build their own GIN legacy.

You understand that GIN has created an opportunity for you to lead, co-create and co-develop GIN programs and resources for students and volunteers like yourself who wish to make a difference and empower changemakers.

               GIN Admin and Program Volunteers create space for, facilitate, lead and manage Network programs that inspire and nurture collaboration within our local-global communities. 


Why do GIN Volunteers who work directly with us donate their work to GIN? 

GIN Admin Volunteers are granted the ability to have their voice heard, lead and shape our organization. As an outcome of this desire and opportunity, GIN Admin Volunteers understand their duty to donate their contribution to GIN if they wish to see their work and energies utilized and embedded into future operations as recognized GIN Org Leaders; freedom to learn from our past to empower progress, evolve and partner in ways that value multiperspectivity with student as thought and impact leaders.

Creates the ability for GIN to continue to offer GIN Leadership positions to young GIN Volunteers; enables new GIN Volunteer Leaders to learn from each evolution of the GIN Admin Team; access to learning from past students enriches and enables the success of present GIN Student leaders with no time or energy wasted on “recreating the wheel.”

Continued GINnovation; if GIN holds ownership rights of all created GIN Materials, all GIN Students are free to access, learn from, utilize, reiterate/contextualize past materials to create relevant and current resources for the purpose of growing empowerment; the freedom to use individual and team contributions to continue to empower GIN Changemakers around the world.

GIN Volunteers donate their work for the greater benefit and purpose of the GIN Community as learners and changemakers so that we may individually and collectively learn from the changemakers who came before us; what worked, what didn’t, what potentials we have yet to try and innovate. 

Volunteers understand that their donation of time, innovation and work product contributes to the sustainability and efficacy of GIN programs as each volunteer’s contribution creates a foundation of learning and potential for development of next steps or further innovation. 

Volunteers understand that their contribution will be used directly or as a starting point for students that come after them to utilize for the purpose of learning how to best build GIN materials, learning processes, systems, policies, frameworks, projects, community teams, clubs, networks, and protocols to empower youth around the world. 

By taking up this Volunteer and or Internship Position you acknowledge that you are donating your time and work to Global Issues Network to ensure students who volunteer after you exit who will build upon what you create and develop to empower students around the world, as you did when you came onboard. 

GIN School Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities