
The Kingdom of Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with a mixed legal system of civil law based on French law and Islamic law (Sharia law). Executive power belongs to King Mohammed VI, who is both secular political leader and “Commander of the Faithful”. The King presides over the Council of Ministers, while the Prime Minister serves as head of the government. The King’s title is hereditary, but the Moroccan people vote to determine the party from which the King must select a Prime Minster.

Judicial power belongs to the Supreme Court, which serves as the head court and is appointed by the King. Legislative power belongs to the Majlis al-Mustacharin (House of Councillors) and Majlis al-Nuwab (House of Representatives). The Majlis al-Mustacharin, whose representatives serve 6-year terms, deals with issues such as budget, constitutional revision, and establishing commissions of inquiry to investigate government actions. The Majlis al-Nuwab has the power to dissolve the government through a vote of no confidence, and its members are elected every five years.

Morocco is an Arab state with tight relations to Europe and the United States. It is a member of the United Nations and served a 2-year term as a non-permanent member in the UN’s Security Council from 2012-14. Morocco is also a member of the Arab League, Arab Maghreb Union (UMA), and Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD). King Mohammed VI also serves as Chairman of the Organization of the Islamic Conference’s Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Committee. Although Morocco is not a current member of the African Union (AU), it is still very much involved with African diplomacy.