For Teachers

Are you planning to attend the 2014 GIN Conference at Rutland High School with your students?  If so, here are a few things you will want to keep in mind.

  • Bring a smartphone – and have your students bring them – since the conference is paperless.  This way, you will be able to access your schedule and school map as well as all of the other resources on the website.

  • Have a plan for how you will connect with your students at the end of the day – and perhaps in the middle of the day as well.

  • There is not much free time during the conference, so you should be prepared with all basic materials.

  • Lunch will be provided for $5.00 per guest. (See registration form and conference-at-a- glance for menus details.)
  • There are not too many concerns regarding student management for behavior with this very set schedule.

  • The library is a warm and comfortable location if you need a break. So is the teachers’ room.


This is by no means a complete list, but a starting point for you to consider. You are set to have a great conference at this student-centered conference.


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