Participant Information and Expectations
One of the big ideas behind GIN is that every participant is involved in presenting at the conference. This involvement can be presenting at a breakout session or just working with peers in the Global Villages. This participation is what creates the magic and the sense of empowerment for conference attendees. Involvement builds energy and commitment, as it helps delegates realize they can make a difference by sharing their knowledge and experiences linked to a specific global issue with their peers.
Each student workshop is structured so that it focuses on one or more of Rischard’s 20 global issues, which in turn is linked to an essential question that frames the presentation itself. The structure of each workshop will provide:
an overview of a global issue in a local context,
outline actions taken to resolve it,
reflect on successes and challenges to date,
and create an action plan to ensure sustainability.
We hope that the breakout sessions will be very interactive and keep the audience engaged and involved. Detailed guidelines for breakout sessions are available.