Workshop #13: No Wasting more Eating
Global Issue: Climate Change
Colégio Suíço Brasileiro
Learning Center 1
Essential Question:
To what extent has the impact of food waste been undervalued in relation to climate change?
We hope to be successful in the mission of decreasing food waste in the society, and therefore decreasing the impacts of climate change, through raising awareness of food waste through data collected in our school’s restaurant, where about 600 people eat daily, and putting this data into a global perspective of food waste.
About 30% of the food produced in the world is wasted or lost, potentially impacting global climate through environmental degradation (soils use and methane emission) for food production. Previous statistics on food waste in our school were very alarming (900 kg produced, 110 kg wasted). Our project has the aim to bring awareness to our local community about food waste and the relationship of this topic with climate change. In order to achieve our goal, we will put up placards in the whole school with shocking information about global food waste. We will also visit each classroom and discuss with students the relationship of food waste and global warming. Additionally, the month before and the month after the project starts, members of the GIN club of the Swiss School will weigh the amount of food that is wasted during lunch time. This information will give us an idea of the impact the project has had in the School’s community. Making relations between the numbers of overall food waste situation in the world and the number of food waste per week in our school will help us raise awareness on the issue.
The project focuses on changing the rate of food waste in our school community. To decrease the numbers, we will put together information about the issue and bring awareness to the students. Students will receive instruction verbally and visually periodically through placards spread throughout school and through activities in class. Food waste will be estimated before and after the project starts. It is hoped that the quantity of wasted food will significantly decrease. The percentage of food waste will be checked during four weeks initially. Later, the checking will be less frequent (during a week every semester). This will give us an idea of the food waste along the year. The campaign against food waste is long lasting. Member will be recruited from several levels starting at year 9 and will included in the project. This will ensure sustainability.
Placards spread throughout school will be regularly (every quarter) substituted by new ones with different/new information. Visits to the classroom to raise awareness will be promoted twice a year by showing videos and promoting activities. New members of the club will be recruited and trained by older member to continue the campaign, ensuring sustainability of the project throughout time.
Workshop #15: The Global Ambassador Program and the Next Phase of the GIN Website as Empowerment Tools for Global Citizens.
Global Issue: Education For all
Escola Americana de Campinas
Learning Center 2
Essential Question:
How can Global Citizens be further empowered by the Global Issues Network?
We will have successfully served more than 200 students from more than 80 different schools by March 17, 2018, using Google Drive, website developing tools, and other resources, outreach and data collecting strategies, and research methods to accomplishing our goals of effectively empowering and inspiring the GIN community and its Global Citizens.
So far, the Global Ambassador Program has existed for two and a half years and has been able to empower more than 70 GIN Students. The Council of GIN Ambassadors has promoted global dialogue, leadership and action through collaboration; empowering students to develop sustainable, socially responsible solutions for their local-global community, in accordance to the program’s vision. Furthermore, the next phase of the GIN website will display GIN Project profiles, GIN Student profiles, and GIN School profiles from the entire world. However, it currently displays about 400 hundred different projects, located in the Americas and Asia. We hope to increase this number by adding GIN Project profiles from the other continents as well.
In relation to the Global Ambassador Program, we will launch an outreach program on conferences throughout the world in order to promote the program and increase its reach. A feedback form will be presented in the following days where we hope to gather insight from GIN Students and GIN Advisors on the GIN Projects profiles, GIN Student profiles, and GIN School profiles.