Gin At Our School
Ingraham High School (Seattle) will host the virtual 6th annual Washington State Global Issues Network (WAGIN) Conference.
This international student-led conference on global issues will bring youth participants from around the world together for an exciting day of learning and action June 4th, 2022.
Join us on Zoom for the 2022 WAGIN Conference!
- – All conference workshops are led by middle and high school students
- – A chance for students to learn and engage alongside peers from other schools
- – Witness student action projects that address 20 different global issues
- – Hear from notable keynote speakers
How Students Participate:
- Student Teams present on current and ongoing projects or their action plan to start developing a project in answer to a local-global issue they are passionate about solving.
Student-Led WAGIN Workshops
- Each WAGIN Project Team is invited to present. All workshops are youth-led (presenting a workshop is not required but is encouraged). All students who attend the conference are invited to present workshop sessions about action projects that they have carried out or that they plan to carry out (connected to one or more of the 21 global issues and/or one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals).
o You can find student workshop guidelines here:
o We are adapting workshop guidelines to accommodate a virtual format. More details will be provided soon.
- Film Festival Submission: Each team of students that present a workshop (2-6 in a team) will create a 1-2 minute trailer for their workshop.
o Trailers will be posted on the Sched app for participants to view before selecting workshops to attend.
o You can find student film festival guidelines here:
- Global Villages: Throughout the day, students will meet in “Global Villages”
o Global Villages are student-led and facilitated small group discussions
o WAGIN Conference Student Organizers will lead 8-10 of their student peers, all from different schools, in building community and solidarity.
Check the Prepare tab to find out more about past projects and workshop guidelines.