Become An Official GIN School & Join Our GIN Project Library


We empower our global community to continue to learn, connect and grow.









GIN School Community Expectations











Build Your GIN Platform Team for Sustainability
  • It is mandatory that the Head of School reads and agrees to support the Terms of Use prior to onboarding your GIN School Community onto any and all GIN Interactive Platforms.
  • All GIN Schools will:
    • Contribute as well as update past to present initiatives and impact on individual, team and school levels
    • Provide feedback to the website every six months through:
      • GIN School Community Stakeholder Interviews to share your GIN School’s feedback:
        • Share issues, challenges, needs and potential solutions
        • Share feedback on potential next steps and new ideas for GIN Project Library
        • Share your ideas for potential innovations for what we might build in answer to and in alignment with our mission, vision, values and ethos
      • Share your insights and experience given learning and reiteration of functions based on your feedback
Build Your GIN Platform Team for Sustainability
  • GIN School Communities are responsible for supporting students with the creation of a GIN School Community Leadership team that fosters ongoing collaboration
    • GIN School Community Platform Leadership Team will be made up of the: 
      • GIN Educator Mentor Point Person (Preferably an active GIN Educator Mentor who is currently mentoring at least one GIN Project and supporting GIN Programming on your team.)
      • GIN Student Point Person (Preferably an active GIN Student Leader who is currently on at least one GIN Project and supporting or leading the GIN Club and Programming.) 
      • GIN Platform Accountability Officer (Preferably a leader or team member in your Technology Department)
      • GIN Platform Student Accountability Officer (Preferably a student who is interested in pursuing a career in the field of technology who would work with the professional in your Technology Department)
Build Your GIN Platform Team for Sustainability
  • Your GIN School Point Person/ GIN Educator Mentor & GIN Student Point Person will be responsible for managing your GIN School Community Support Team to include ongoing: 
    • User verification and privilege designations/ permissions
    • User support, moderation and management of all community profiles, creation, updates and changes for and in connection with your GIN School Community 
    • Creating, updating, and moderating all of the following GIN School Community Projects, Schools and Conference Profiles:
      • Profiles: Maintain and update all School Profile information (if a school profile already exists)
      • Projects: Create GIN Projects for all of their current, update and ensure the accuracy of the information for all ongoing or inactive GIN Projects belonging to the school.
      • Maintain and update user database with current users and archive all alumni or inactive users (alumni or students who have stepped down from the team)
      • GIN School will identify and collaborate with a GIN Student Lead who will hold the role and responsibility of GIN Platform Accountability Officer. 
        • The GIN Platform Accountability Officer will be responsible for scheduling feedback and documenting feedback from all GIN School Community Stakeholders as needs, challenges and solutions arise