1st Annual Washington State
Global Issues Network Conference
Chief Sealth International High School: Seattle, WA, USA
We welcome any student with a passion for making a positive change in their community! Grades 6-12
March 6-7, 2015
Stay connected with WAGIN 2015!
WELCOME to the 1st Annual Washington Global Issues Network website. The March 2015 GIN Conference will be held at Chief Sealth International in Seattle, Washington. The purpose of this website is for conference participants to have all the information they need to prepare for attending this exciting event.
20 Global Issues
High Noon: Twenty Global Problems, Twenty Years to Solve Them is a book describing imminent issues such as water shortages, climate change, infectious diseases, poverty, and illiteracy, that can only be solved through global cooperation. Each student workshop focuses on one of these 20 global issues:
Sharing our Humanity 
- Massive step-up in the fight against poverty
- Peacekeeping, conflict prevention, combating terrorism
- Education for all
- Global infectious diseases
- Digital divide
- Natural disaster prevention and mitigation
Sharing our Planet 
- Global Warming
- Biodiversity and ecosystem losses
- Fisheries depletion
- Deforestation
- Water deficits
- Maritime safety and pollution
Sharing our Rule Book 
- Reinventing taxation for the twenty-first century
- Biotechnology rules
- Global financial architecture
- Illegal drugs
- Trade, investment, and competition rules
- Intellectual property rights
- E-commerce rules
- International labor and migration rules