* Please look at the Conference at a Glance to find out where your Student Presentation will be so you can make a mental note as you take the tour.
There will be an Ambassador who will meet you on the bus when you arrive. Your Ambassador will give you a guided tour around campus and point to the Registration Desk as you come through the gates. We ask that at the end of the tour an Advisor and a representative from each team will return to to Registration to check-in. |
Registration will be the first desk straight ahead as you enter after you have walked through the parking lot and onto the campus.
You will be shown where all of the following will be on campus: |
Keynote Presentations (KP)
Student Presentations (SP)
Keynote Break-Out Sessions (KBOS)
Global Village Group (GVG) and Meeting of the Minds (M&M) classrooms
Snack, Lunch, and Dinner areas
Drinking Fountains and Bathrooms
Ideas and meaning behind the art inspired by GIN
GIN Home Base
GIN Tech Team Home Base
Village Fair
*Note: During the conference we will have color coded signs outside the designated classrooms. Some of the classrooms will hold Global Village Meetings, Student Presentations, and Keynote Break-Out Sessions.
High School Building: Global Village Group Meetings, Student Presentation Classrooms, & Keynote Break-Out Sessions |
Floor 1.
Global Village Group Classroom #
HS 3 (1st floor)
HS 4 (1st floor)
HS 5 (1st floor)
HS 7 (1st floor)
Student Presentation Classroom #
HS 3 (1st floor)
HS 5 (1st floor)
HS 7 (1st floor)
Keynote Break-Out Sessions Classroom #
HS 4 (1st floor)
HS 5 (1st floor)
HS 7 (1st floor)
Floor 2.
Global Village Group Classroom #
HS 10 (2nd floor)
HS 11 (2nd floor)
HS 12 (2nd floor)
HS 13 (2nd floor)
HS 16 (2nd floor)
Student Presentation Classroom #
HS 12 (2nd floor)
HS 16 (2nd floor)
Keynote Break-Out Sessions Classroom #
HS Library (2nd floor)
HS 16 (2nd floor)
Library: GIN Home Base, Tech Team Home Base, Computer Bank for GINers to use
Floor 3.
Global Village Group Classroom #
HS 18 (3rd floor)
HS 19 (3rd floor)
HS 20 (3rd floor)
HS 21 (3rd floor)
HS 22 (3rd floor)
HS 23 (3rd floor)
HS 26 (3rd floor)
Student Presentation Classroom #
HS 23 (3rd floor)
HS 26 (3rd floor)
Keynote Break-Out Sessions Classroom #
HS 26 (3rd floor)
Cafeteria: Keynote Presentations and Film Festival Entry Screenings, Tetra Brick Mural |
Auditorium/ In-Door Gym: Opening Ceremony, Meeting of the Minds, Keynote Break-Out Session, Global Village Group Meeting, Lunch and Dinner |
*** Ambassadors will be sure to let Advisors know where the:
Meeting of the Minds: Elementary Library
Keynote Break-Out Session: Band Room
Village Fair/ Green Space: Snack, Global Village Group Meetings, Registration and Information Desks |
– Global Village Groups can opt to meet outside in the Green Space if it is nice out (please be sure that you decide on an area to meet and stay consistent)