The GIN group should meet regularly. Schools are invited to send a GIN team (or more than one) to the conference. Each team is made up of 2-6 students from Grades 7-12. Two adult advisors must accompany your school’s students, whether you send one or more teams. There should be at least a 1:2 ratio of advisors to teams if your are bringing more then two teams.
Note: We would like to stress that younger students will be expected to bring their passion and focus as they will be required to participate in all aspects of the conference. They must be committed to rising to the many challenges a GIN conference provides.
What are the key responsibilities of the team?
The student team is asked to prepare an interactive workshop (wireless will be provided at the conference) on their efforts to address a global issue with sustainable solutions. The team will present this workshop to 20-30 other delegates.
Also, each team of students needs to make a short (less than 2 minutes) film about the project to be posted to the website and shown at the conference Film Festival. Make it eye grabbing and fun to watch!